Tuesday, November 14, 2017

It's ETOSHA Day!

11.9.17 It's ETOSHA Day!

A varied landscape filled with over 114 mammal and 340 bird species...

Grassland, savannahs, natural springs, permanent waterholes...

Giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, oryx, elephants, springboks, steenboks, gazelles, impalas, ostriches, red-billed Quelea, Egyptian geese, Kori Bustards, korhanns, blue cranes, crown lapwings, sociable weavers, kestrels, vultures, warthogs, lions and more...

Little babies everywhere...

And it was quite fitting that all of us were awakened by 2 large male lions at 4:30 AM who seemed to be roaring just outside each of our units, but were spotted by Sally and Phil right near their back porch! Thankfully there is an electric fence surrounding our camp to keep the animals away from the humans!


 Zebras everywhere!



Huge elephant dwarfing springbok.

More oryx.

Northern black korhaan

The first time I've actually seen ostrich babies!




Springbok female book club - male NOT invited.

Blue Crane 

 Lots more ostrich babies!


 This elephant was so massive it looked fake!

 This photo taken so you could get a sense of how massive!

 Mama warthog

Baby warthog after a roll in some mud.

 Nap time for 3 cubs (only one is fully visible).

Kori Bustard 

2 Kori Bustards passing in the daylight.

Check out the red-billed Quelea on this video - talking about birds of a feather flying together...

1 comment:

  1. Wow great picture shots!! Remember William the warthog?
